Bridge crane GDMJ 30t/23m with rolls tongs with rotation and weighing, Pragmet Benátky n.J.

Year of realization 2021
Customer PRAGMET, a.s.
Place of installation Production plant of PRAGMET, a.s., Benátky nad Jizerou
Scope of delivery
I. Delivery and mounting of a double-girder bridge crane, type GDMJ 30t/23m, equipped with rolls tongs. including power supply trolley
The telescopic tongs for rolls are equipped with an additional technological scales, with a rotary mechanism with rotation of 360° controlled by means of a ring collector.
Span: 23m
Lifting capactiy: 30t
Equipped with a GIGA hoist, type GHM 40000-20-2x4/1-9M,D
Lifting height: 9m
Group classification of the crane: A6
Lifting speed: 1,25/5 m/min
Hoist travel speed: 0...25 m/min
Crane travel speed: 0...40 m/min
Control: radio with two-position joysticks, with a sling for the fixation around a waist
II. Repairement of a bridge crane, type Ferro OK JD-25/23-4 (reparation of travel wheels, new side guidance, new electric equipment of the crane).

Production and mountingg of crane GDMJ 30t/23m with tongs for rolls

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