
Requirement for service

Requirement for service
Fields marked with asterisk (*) are mandatory.

NONSTOP SERVICE, 24 hours a day, 365 days per year, including day-offs and bank holidays.

This is offered by GIGA to all its customers together with each its product as a standard of warranty and after-warranty services.

We cover and flexibility react to the customers requirements all around the Czech Republic.

We perform service from the service center of GIGA in Příšovice or GIGA montáže, s.r.o. in Ostrava.

Quick delivery of spare parts.

The main storehouse of spare parts for bridge cranes and hoist sis in the production plant in Příšovice, a store house of usual spare parts is also in the service center in GIGA montáže, s.r.o. in Ostrava.

Nonstop service 24 / 7

Serviceman, who can help you
Tel., Mo-Fr 7:00-14:30: 
Hot line: 

Accessibility, promptitude and quality of fulfilment of service operation

Service is performed by trained employees with well-equipped service vehicles; a technical assistance and service from main suppliers are also provided.
Individual service program (a service agreement) can be concluded for GIGA lifting equipment which is run, for example, in non-stop production mode, in complicated operation environment, when this equipment is used as a part of technological process, etc.