Reconstruction of 2pcs of cranes SUB 20t/5t/22,2m a 1ks VIHORLAT 12,5t/22,2m

Year of realization 2008
Customer NYPRO hutní prodej, a.s.
Place of installation Plant of NYPRO hutní prodej, a.s., Malé Svatoňovice
Range of delivery
Reconstruction of 2pcs of bridge cranes 20t/5t/22,2m – producer: Slovácké strojírny Company, Uherský Brod, and 1pc of a crane 12,5t/22,2m – producer: VIHORLAT Snina:
  • Demounting of the existing hoist and cabin
  • Complete demounting of electric wiring
  • Only original parts which remained are bridges of the cranes, end carriages
  • Wheels and travel motors of the bridge with brake, connected through the existing clutch to the existing travel gears of the bridge
  • 2pcs of new wire rope hoists
  • New electric switchboard
  • Complete new festoon cable power supply system and new electric wiring on the crane
  • A new power supply trolley
  • New method of control of the crane - from the crane cabin or by means of remote radio control system that have ready control elements even for the magnet traverse; switching over between control from cabin and remote control is suppose through a connector.
Year of realization 2008
Customer NYPRO hutní prodej, a.s.
Place of installation Plant of NYPRO hutní prodej, a.s., Malé Svatoňovice
Range of delivery
Reconstruction of 2pcs of bridge cranes 20t/5t/22,2m – producer: Slovácké strojírny Company, Uherský Brod, and 1pc of a crane 12,5t/22,2m – producer: VIHORLAT Snina:
  • Demounting of the existing hoist and cabin
  • Complete demounting of electric wiring
  • Only original parts which remained are bridges of the cranes, end carriages
  • Wheels and travel motors of the bridge with brake, connected through the existing clutch to the existing travel gears of the bridge
  • 2pcs of new wire rope hoists
  • New electric switchboard
  • Complete new festoon cable power supply system and new electric wiring on the crane
  • A new power supply trolley
  • New method of control of the crane - from the crane cabin or by means of remote radio control system that have ready control elements even for the magnet traverse; switching over between control from cabin and remote control is suppose through a connector.

Cranes VIHORLAT and SUB before reconstruction

Cranes VIHORLAT and SUB before reconstructionCranes VIHORLAT and SUB before reconstructionCranes VIHORLAT and SUB before reconstructionCranes VIHORLAT and SUB before reconstructionCranes VIHORLAT and SUB before reconstructionCranes VIHORLAT and SUB before reconstruction

Cranes VIHORLAT and SUB before reconstruction

Cranes VIHORLAT and SUB before reconstructionCranes VIHORLAT and SUB before reconstructionCranes VIHORLAT and SUB before reconstructionCranes VIHORLAT and SUB before reconstructionCranes VIHORLAT and SUB before reconstructionCranes VIHORLAT and SUB before reconstruction

Cranes GDMJ 10t+10t/22,2m and GDMJ 12,5t/22,2m after reconstruction

Cranes GDMJ 10t+10t-22,2m and GDMJ 12,5t-22,2m after reconstructionCranes GDMJ 10t+10t-22,2m and GDMJ 12,5t-22,2m after reconstructionCranes GDMJ 10t+10t-22,2m and GDMJ 12,5t-22,2m after reconstructionCranes GDMJ 10t+10t-22,2m and GDMJ 12,5t-22,2m after reconstructionCranes GDMJ 10t+10t-22,2m and GDMJ 12,5t-22,2m after reconstructionCranes GDMJ 10t+10t-22,2m and GDMJ 12,5t-22,2m after reconstructionCranes GDMJ 10t+10t-22,2m and GDMJ 12,5t-22,2m after reconstructionCranes GDMJ 10t+10t-22,2m and GDMJ 12,5t-22,2m after reconstructionCranes GDMJ 10t+10t-22,2m and GDMJ 12,5t-22,2m after reconstruction

Cranes GDMJ 10t+10t/22,2m and GDMJ 12,5t/22,2m after reconstruction

Cranes GDMJ 10t+10t-22,2m and GDMJ 12,5t-22,2m after reconstructionCranes GDMJ 10t+10t-22,2m and GDMJ 12,5t-22,2m after reconstructionCranes GDMJ 10t+10t-22,2m and GDMJ 12,5t-22,2m after reconstructionCranes GDMJ 10t+10t-22,2m and GDMJ 12,5t-22,2m after reconstructionCranes GDMJ 10t+10t-22,2m and GDMJ 12,5t-22,2m after reconstructionCranes GDMJ 10t+10t-22,2m and GDMJ 12,5t-22,2m after reconstructionCranes GDMJ 10t+10t-22,2m and GDMJ 12,5t-22,2m after reconstructionCranes GDMJ 10t+10t-22,2m and GDMJ 12,5t-22,2m after reconstructionCranes GDMJ 10t+10t-22,2m and GDMJ 12,5t-22,2m after reconstruction

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