Declaration of accessibility

This web presentation considers accessibility and barrierlessness of the web according to usually used principles rules of creation of an accessible web and instructions prepared for purposes of Novel of Law No. 365/2000 Sb., On information systems of public administration.

Presentation is created according to specifications issued by consortium W3C depending on the used language HTML 4 Transitional, HTML 5 or XHTML 1.1 Transitional and observes syntactic and semantic correctness.
The content is completely divided from the style by means of cascade styles. The presentation can be also used on other output devices (cell phones, voice readers, etc.).
Some complementing information (especially, docs to be downloaded) are at disposal at the pages in other formats, mostly in PDF. To display these docs in this format, i tis necessary to have installed a reader Adobe Reader, which is free for download at the pages of Adobe inc., or other software which is able to display PDF format.
Some additional multimedia functions of this web can be created by means of Adobe Flash technology and can require an add-on to be installed into a browser Adobe Flash Player, which is free for download at the pages of Adobe inc.

To enable full functioning of these pages, i tis necessary that JavaScript was supported and enabled in the browser.

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